Brixton Feoffee Trust
Community Car Scheme
The Board of Brixton Feoffee Trustees announce
with great regret that the Community Car Scheme has been suspended
This has been a very difficult decision to take. However, in view of the fact that restrictions are likely to remain in place about social distancing and households mixing, even with the vaccination programme now under way, the Board of Trustees has been obliged to come to this conclusion.
When it is thought to be safe for the Community Car Scheme to start again, a full Risk Assessment will be undertaken. Following this, a meeting will be held by the Trustees for the volunteer drivers and the Community Car Scheme Co-ordinator to consider their views.
If everyone at that meeting is in agreement,
the Community Car Scheme will be re-established. At that point, there will be publicity, notices
placed in the Brixton Magazine and around the village and this website will be