Brixton Feoffee Trust News

Brixton Feoffee Trustee Meetings

The forthcoming dates for Trustee meetings are:

15th April 2025, 6 p.m., Brixton Community Room

13th May 2025, 6 p.m., Brixton Community Room

1st July 2025, 6 p.m., Brixton Community Room

28th March 2025

Brixton Feoffee Trust News

Feeling the February chill? Enjoy the little things
Embracing Love as Valentine’s Day approaches
Observing nature’s beauty at subtle signs of buds forming on
trees and early blooms peeking through
Farmland scenes with little lambs bouncing about playfully
Finding our way through the cold evenings with a cosy blanket
and a good book in front of the blazing fire
Eating delicious pancakes topped with lemon and sugar on
Shrove Tuesday
Enjoyable experiences as each person brings and chooses
their favourite toppings

Times are certainly challenging for some people
Rural living can be difficult to commute to work/school/college
Unsure how you are going to get there?
Seeking assistance can pose a challenge at times.
Transport costs to that important hospital appointment?

Financial help is available to those who may not be eligible for other support. The rise in the cost-of-living means we’re all having to dig a little deeper to pay for essentials such as food and energy. If you don’t have enough to live on, it’s important to know that support is available.
Please remember we have a cost-of-living grant £100 available to anyone and everyone who needs that little bit of extra help.
Explore funding opportunities for community groups and organisations projects - submit your applications before the Trusts year-end deadline 1st April.
The Brixton Feoffee Trust is a charitable organisation dedicated to supporting the people of the parish of Brixton. We distribute our net income from investments and properties through grants to Brixton parishioners in need of financial assistance; local community groups and organisations; and the Moiety Grant for Brixton St Mary’s Church. We welcome applications from anyone seeking help. Please do get in touch with Sally Axell as Clerk (880262 or Or use an application form on the Brixton Devon website,

4th February 2025